A Blueprint for Blessing
September 8, 2024
The Sermon on the Mount is undoubtedly Jesus’ most famous sermon. But the Sermon on the Mount may also be the most misunderstood or misapplied sermon that has ever been preached. Jesus’s words are beautifully read, but his teaching, at times, sounds impossible to practice. Did Jesus mean to inspire us or expose us, or is there some other purpose behind this most famous of sermons? That’s the question we’ll be answering this fall as we explore the Sermon on the Mount.
Our first sermon in this series will touch on The Beatitudes. These teachings invite us into a life we deeply desire yet often don’t see. In current times marked by division, misinformation, and eroded trust, the Sermon on the Mount offers timeless guidance. The Beatitudes, starting with humility and progressing through mourning, meekness, mercy, purity, and peacemaking, call us to live countercultural lives of righteousness in times such as this.