We want to be a community hub for gospel transformation. We want to partner with God in his transformative work by using all of our resources—our facilities and our connections and our finances—for the good of others. We invite you to join us in partnering with God by giving financially to Kelsey Creek Church.
Ways to Give
Give In-Person:
Drop cash or checks in the collection basket at the back of the sanctuary at the end of worship on Sunday mornings.
Give Online:
Use Tithe.ly, our online giving platform, to give a one-time gift or recurring gifts.
Give by Mail:
Mail a physical check made payable to Kelsey Creek Church to:
Kelsey Creek Church
1221 148th Ave NE
Bellevue WA 98007
Give via Bill Pay:
Set up Kelsey Creek Church in your bill payment accounts through your local banking institution’s website. Payments should be issued to:
Kelsey Creek Church
1221 148th Ave NE
Bellevue, WA 98007
Text to Give:
Text your donation dollar amount to 844-925-3740 and follow a quick, self-guided setup process.
Frequently Asked Questions
How/where is money given to Kelsey Creek Church spent?
We strive to be wise, generous, and strategic with our financial resources. Some dollars are spent on operating expenses (like light bulbs and electric bills, curriculum and coffee), some are spent on staffing expenses (staff salaries and benefits), and some are shared with partners (locally, regionally, and globally); but every dollar that is given to Kelsey Creek Church is spent on mission and discipleship.
For a list of our local, regional, and global partners, see Our Partners.
Is there any financial accountability at Kelsey Creek Church?
The short answer is yes. The long answer is that we have many ways that we seek to be accountable with our finances, including:
- Annual congregational votes to approve the budget
- Regular congregational updates on giving and expenses
- A system of checks and balances built into our leadership structure
What is the annual budget at Kelsey Creek Church?
Our current annual budget 2023-2024 is approximately $724,000. A budget breakdown is available to members upon request. You can request one here.
Do you accept credit card giving?
We do accept credit card giving; however, we encourage those who have ongoing credit card debt to choose another means of giving. Credit card giving is only available through Tithe.ly, our online giving platform.
I have a question not answered here.
We’re here to help! Just contact us here.