Please join us for the Christmas events listed below:
Advent Grief Support Group Holidays can be hard for many of us. We offer confidential and practical help of a grief support group on Nov 29, Dec 6, and Dec 13 at 7 pm. Meets in the Kelsey Creek Church Fellowship Hall. No sign up necessary, just come as you are.
Ladies Christmas High Tea Start your Christmas season with tea! Women of all ages are invited to enjoy a time of tea, treats, songs, and a great message from Dr. Sara Boyd. Sign up at the Welcome Center or by emailing
Potluck! Christmas Brunch Please bring a brunch item to share at our December Potluck. Think breakfast strata, quiche, baked goods, fruit or green salad or your family favorite. Fridge and oven space (for gentle warming) will be available. Deliver your food to the kitchen prior to the service and be sure to fill out an info card for your item. Please do not plan on doing food prep at church. We ask that your dish is ready-to-go. Due to the timing of the meal and the space in the kitchen, we ask that you drop off your item to share and leave the rest to us – we will take care of setting up the Potluck line.
The Longest Night Service The Holidays can be a difficult time, especially if you are experiencing grief and loss. Grief can wear many faces – the loss of a loved one, loss of a marriage, loss of health, etc. The Holidays often accentuate grief as well as the memories of loss. We will have a Longest Night Service – a service of grief, lament and hope on Dec. 20 at 7:00pm.
Christmas Eve Service Start your Christmas celebrations with singing favorite Christmas carols, lighting of Christmas candles, and a glimpse at the good news of the Christmas story.
Other Christmas Events
- Evergreen Senior Fellowship Christmas Sing-A-Long
Monday, December 11 @ 6:15pm - Family Ministries Christmas Parties
Families - Thursday, December 14 @ 6:30pm
Youth - Sunday, December 17 @ 6:00pm - Men's Spiritual Formation & AA Breakfast
Saturday, December16 @ 8:00am